Tuesday, September 19, 2017


Saturday, October 7
9:00 am - 12:00 noon

Pictured below are the crafts we have available for our Super Saturday.
The two wreaths are beautiful. We chose a fall and a Christmas wreath. Both are priced currently at $40 a piece but we will try to get that price down.

The ornaments are $1 a piece. We have them listed in the folder as $6 for a set of 6 so it's essentially the same. ðŸ˜Š But you don't have to make six, if you know what I mean. You can make three and then it would be $3, for example.

Also available is a set of peppermint body butter, foot soak, and sugar scrub. The cost is $2 a set. These are for the small quarter-cup containers we are using. The $2 will cover just the spa product.
These would make a great teacher or neighbor/friend gift.  Here is an example of how you could package them, but you could also throw them in a bag along with some peppermint bark.  Fun and yummy!

If you have questions, please leave a comment here. Also leave a comment if you'd like to sign up here since we know how busy things can be at church. Thanks!
Also, if you don't want to make anything and want to just come, COME! There will be a small service project available for you as well as just mingling and enjoying the morning with us. ♥️